Source code for hypertools.plot.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import warnings
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .._shared.helpers import *
from .._shared.params import default_params
from import analyze
from import cluster as clusterer
from import reduce as reducer
from import format_data
from .draw import _draw
from ..datageometry import DataGeometry

[docs]def plot(x, fmt='-', marker=None, markers=None, linestyle=None, linestyles=None, color=None, colors=None, palette='hls', group=None, hue=None, labels=None, legend=None, title=None, size=None, elev=10, azim=-60, ndims=3, model=None, model_params=None, reduce='IncrementalPCA', cluster=None, align=None, normalize=None, n_clusters=None, save_path=None, animate=False, duration=30, tail_duration=2, rotations=2, zoom=1, chemtrails=False, precog=False, bullettime=False, frame_rate=50, explore=False, show=True, transform=None, vectorizer='CountVectorizer', semantic='LatentDirichletAllocation', corpus='wiki', ax=None): """ Plots dimensionality reduced data and parses plot arguments Parameters ---------- x : Numpy array, DataFrame, String, Geo or mixed list Data for the plot. The form should be samples (rows) by features (cols). fmt : str or list of strings A list of format strings. All matplotlib format strings are supported. linestyle(s) : str or list of str A list of line styles marker(s) : str or list of str A list of marker types color(s) : str or list of str A list of marker types palette : str A matplotlib or seaborn color palette group : str/int/float or list A list of group labels. Length must match the number of rows in your dataset. If the data type is numerical, the values will be mapped to rgb values in the specified palette. If the data type is strings, the points will be labeled categorically. To label a subset of points, use None (i.e. ['a', None, 'b','a']). labels : list A list of labels for each point. Must be dimensionality of data (x). If no label is wanted for a particular point, input None. legend : list or bool If set to True, legend is implicitly computed from data. Passing a list will add string labels to the legend (one for each list item). title : str A title for the plot size : list A list of [width, height] in inches to resize the figure normalize : str or False If set to 'across', the columns of the input data will be z-scored across lists (default). If set to 'within', the columns will be z-scored within each list that is passed. If set to 'row', each row of the input data will be z-scored. If set to False, the input data will be returned (default is False). reduce : str or dict Decomposition/manifold learning model to use. Models supported: PCA, IncrementalPCA, SparsePCA, MiniBatchSparsePCA, KernelPCA, FastICA, FactorAnalysis, TruncatedSVD, DictionaryLearning, MiniBatchDictionaryLearning, TSNE, Isomap, SpectralEmbedding, LocallyLinearEmbedding, and MDS. Can be passed as a string, but for finer control of the model parameters, pass as a dictionary, e.g. reduce={'model' : 'PCA', 'params' : {'whiten' : True}}. See scikit-learn specific model docs for details on parameters supported for each model. ndims : int An `int` representing the number of dims to reduce the data x to. If ndims > 3, will plot in 3 dimensions but return the higher dimensional data. Default is None, which will plot data in 3 dimensions and return the data with the same number of dimensions possibly normalized and/or aligned according to normalize/align kwargs. align : str or dict or False/None If str, either 'hyper' or 'SRM'. If 'hyper', alignment algorithm will be hyperalignment. If 'SRM', alignment algorithm will be shared response model. You can also pass a dictionary for finer control, where the 'model' key is a string that specifies the model and the params key is a dictionary of parameter values (default : 'hyper'). cluster : str or dict or False/None If cluster is passed, HyperTools will perform clustering using the specified clustering clustering model. Supportted algorithms are: KMeans, MiniBatchKMeans, AgglomerativeClustering, Birch, FeatureAgglomeration, SpectralClustering and HDBSCAN (default: None). Can be passed as a string, but for finer control of the model parameters, pass as a dictionary, e.g. reduce={'model' : 'KMeans', 'params' : {'max_iter' : 100}}. See scikit-learn specific model docs for details on parameters supported for each model. If no parameters are specified in the string a default set of parameters will be used. n_clusters : int If n_clusters is passed, HyperTools will perform k-means clustering with the k parameter set to n_clusters. The resulting clusters will be plotted in different colors according to the color palette. save_path : str Path to save the image/movie. Must include the file extension in the save path (i.e. save_path='/path/to/file/image.png'). NOTE: If saving an animation, FFMPEG must be installed (this is a matplotlib req). FFMPEG can be easily installed on a mac via homebrew brew install ffmpeg or linux via apt-get apt-get install ffmpeg. If you don't have homebrew (mac only), you can install it like this: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL". animate : bool, 'parallel' or 'spin' If True or 'parallel', plots the data as an animated trajectory, with each dataset plotted simultaneously. If 'spin', all the data is plotted at once but the camera spins around the plot (default: False). duration (animation only) : float Length of the animation in seconds (default: 30 seconds) tail_duration (animation only) : float Sets the length of the tail of the data (default: 2 seconds) rotations (animation only) : float Number of rotations around the box (default: 2) zoom (animation only) : float How far to zoom into the plot, positive numbers will zoom in (default: 0) chemtrails (animation only) : bool A low-opacity trail is left behind the trajectory (default: False). precog (animation only) : bool A low-opacity trail is plotted ahead of the trajectory (default: False). bullettime (animation only) : bool A low-opacity trail is plotted ahead and behind the trajectory (default: False). frame_rate (animation only) : int or float Frame rate for animation (default: 50) explore : bool Displays user defined labels will appear on hover. If no labels are passed, the point index and coordinate will be plotted. To use, set explore=True. Note: Explore mode is currently only supported for 3D static plots, and is an experimental feature (i.e it may not yet work properly). show : bool If set to False, the figure will not be displayed, but the figure, axis and data objects will still be returned (default: True). transform : list of numpy arrays or None The transformed data, bypasses transformations if this is set (default : None). vectorizer : str, dict, class or class instance The vectorizer to use. Built-in options are 'CountVectorizer' or 'TfidfVectorizer'. To change default parameters, set to a dictionary e.g. {'model' : 'CountVectorizer', 'params' : {'max_features' : 10}}. See for details. You can also specify your own vectorizer model as a class, or class instance. With either option, the class must have a fit_transform method (see here: If a class, pass any parameters as a dictionary to vectorizer_params. If a class instance, no parameters can be passed. semantic : str, dict, class or class instance Text model to use to transform text data. Built-in options are 'LatentDirichletAllocation' or 'NMF' (default: LDA). To change default parameters, set to a dictionary e.g. {'model' : 'NMF', 'params' : {'n_components' : 10}}. See for details on the two model options. You can also specify your own text model as a class, or class instance. With either option, the class must have a fit_transform method (see here: If a class, pass any parameters as a dictionary to text_params. If a class instance, no parameters can be passed. corpus : list (or list of lists) of text samples or 'wiki', 'nips', 'sotus'. Text to use to fit the semantic model (optional). If set to 'wiki', 'nips' or 'sotus' and the default semantic and vectorizer models are used, a pretrained model will be loaded which can save a lot of time. ax : matplotlib.Axes Axis handle to plot the figure Returns ---------- geo : hypertools.DataGeometry A new data geometry object """ # warnings for deprecated API args if (model is not None) or (model_params is not None): warnings.warn('Model and model_params arguments will be deprecated. Please use \ reduce keyword argument. See docs for details:') reduce = {} reduce['model'] = model reduce['params'] = model_params if group is not None: warnings.warn('Group will be deprecated. Please use ' 'hue keyword argument. See docs for details: ' '') hue = group if ax is not None: if ndims>2: if!='3d': raise ValueError('If passing ax and the plot is 3D, ax must ' 'also be 3d') text_args = { 'vectorizer' : vectorizer, 'semantic' : semantic, 'corpus' : corpus } # analyze the data if transform is None: raw = format_data(x, **text_args) xform = analyze(raw, ndims=ndims, normalize=normalize, reduce=reduce, align=align, internal=True) else: xform = transform # Return data that has been normalized and possibly reduced and/or aligned xform_data = copy.copy(xform) # catch all matplotlib kwargs here to pass on mpl_kwargs = {} # handle color (to be passed onto matplotlib) if color is not None: mpl_kwargs['color'] = color if colors is not None: mpl_kwargs['color'] = colors warnings.warn('Both color and colors defined: color will be ignored \ in favor of colors.') # handle linestyle (to be passed onto matplotlib) if linestyle is not None: mpl_kwargs['linestyle'] = linestyle if linestyles is not None: mpl_kwargs['linestyle'] = linestyles warnings.warn('Both linestyle and linestyles defined: linestyle \ will be ignored in favor of linestyles.') # handle marker (to be passed onto matplotlib) if marker is not None: mpl_kwargs['marker'] = marker if markers is not None: mpl_kwargs['marker'] = markers warnings.warn('Both marker and markers defined: marker will be \ ignored in favor of markers.') # reduce data to 3 dims for plotting, if ndims is None, return this if (ndims and ndims < 3): xform = reducer(xform, ndims=ndims, reduce=reduce, internal=True) else: xform = reducer(xform, ndims=3, reduce=reduce, internal=True) # find cluster and reshape if n_clusters if cluster is not None: if hue is not None: warnings.warn('cluster overrides hue, ignoring hue.') if isinstance(cluster, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)): model = cluster params = default_params(model) elif isinstance(cluster, dict): model = cluster['model'] params = default_params(model, cluster['params']) else: raise ValueError('Invalid cluster model specified; should be' ' string or dictionary!') if n_clusters is not None: if cluster in ('HDBSCAN',): warnings.warn('n_clusters is not a valid parameter for ' 'HDBSCAN clustering and will be ignored.') else: params['n_clusters'] = n_clusters cluster_labels = clusterer(xform, cluster={'model': model, 'params': params}) xform, labels = reshape_data(xform, cluster_labels, labels) hue = cluster_labels elif n_clusters is not None: # If cluster was None default to KMeans cluster_labels = clusterer(xform, cluster='KMeans', n_clusters=n_clusters) xform, labels = reshape_data(xform, cluster_labels, labels) if hue is not None: warnings.warn('n_clusters overrides hue, ignoring hue.') # group data if there is a grouping var elif hue is not None: if color is not None: warnings.warn("Using group, color keyword will be ignored.") # if list of lists, unpack if any(isinstance(el, list) for el in hue): hue = list(itertools.chain(*hue)) # if all of the elements are numbers, map them to colors if all(isinstance(el, int) or isinstance(el, float) for el in hue): hue = vals2bins(hue) elif all(isinstance(el, str) for el in hue): hue = group_by_category(hue) # reshape the data according to group if n_clusters is None: xform, labels = reshape_data(xform, hue, labels) # interpolate lines if they are grouped if is_line(fmt): xform = patch_lines(xform) # handle legend if legend is not None: if legend is False: legend = None elif legend is True and hue is not None: legend = [item for item in sorted(set(hue), key=list(hue).index)] elif legend is True and hue is None: legend = [i + 1 for i in range(len(xform))] mpl_kwargs['label'] = legend # interpolate if its a line plot if fmt is None or isinstance(fmt, six.string_types): if is_line(fmt): if xform[0].shape[0] > 1: xform = interp_array_list(xform, interp_val=frame_rate*duration/(xform[0].shape[0] - 1)) elif type(fmt) is list: for idx, xi in enumerate(xform): if is_line(fmt[idx]): if xi.shape[0] > 1: xform[idx] = interp_array_list(xi, interp_val=frame_rate*duration/(xi.shape[0] - 1)) # handle explore flag if explore: assert xform[0].shape[1] is 3, "Explore mode is currently only supported for 3D plots." mpl_kwargs['picker']=True # center xform = center(xform) # scale xform = scale(xform) # handle palette with seaborn if isinstance(palette, np.bytes_): palette = palette.decode("utf-8") sns.set_palette(palette=palette, n_colors=len(xform)) sns.set_style(style='whitegrid') # turn kwargs into a list kwargs_list = parse_kwargs(xform, mpl_kwargs) # handle format strings if fmt is not None: if type(fmt) is not list: draw_fmt = [fmt for i in xform] else: draw_fmt = fmt else: draw_fmt = ['-']*len(x) # convert all nans to zeros for i, xi in enumerate(xform): xform[i] = np.nan_to_num(xi) # draw the plot fig, ax, data, line_ani = _draw(xform, fmt=draw_fmt, kwargs_list=kwargs_list, labels=labels, legend=legend, title=title, animate=animate, duration=duration, tail_duration=tail_duration, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, chemtrails=chemtrails, precog=precog, bullettime=bullettime, frame_rate=frame_rate, elev=elev, azim=azim, explore=explore, show=show, size=size, ax=ax) # tighten layout plt.tight_layout() # save if save_path is not None: if animate: Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=frame_rate, bitrate=1800), writer=writer) else: plt.savefig(save_path) # show the plot if show: else: # safely closes the plot so it doesn't pop up in another call to this function plt.close('all') # gather reduce params if isinstance(reduce, dict): reduce_dict = reduce else: reduce_dict = { 'model' : reduce, 'params' : { 'n_components' : ndims }, } # gather align params if isinstance(align, dict): align_dict = align else: align_dict = { 'model' : align, 'params' : {} } # gather all other kwargs kwargs = { 'fmt' : fmt, 'marker': marker, 'markers' : markers, 'linestyle' : linestyle, 'linestyles' : linestyles, 'color' : color, 'colors' : colors, 'palette' : palette, 'hue' : hue, 'ndims' : ndims, 'labels' : labels, 'legend' : legend, 'title' : title, 'animate' : animate, 'duration' : duration, 'tail_duration' : tail_duration, 'rotations' : rotations, 'zoom' : zoom, 'chemtrails' : chemtrails, 'precog' : precog, 'bullettime' : bullettime, 'frame_rate' : frame_rate, 'elev' : elev, 'azim' : azim, 'explore' : explore, 'n_clusters' : n_clusters, 'size' : size } # turn lists into np arrays so that they don't turn into pickles when saved for kwarg in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs[kwarg], list): try: kwargs[kwarg]=np.array(kwargs[kwarg]) except: warnings.warn('Could not convert all list arguments to numpy ' 'arrays. If list is longer than 256 items, it ' 'will automatically be pickled, which could ' 'cause Python 2/3 compatibility issues for the ' 'DataGeometry object.') return DataGeometry(fig=fig, ax=ax, data=x, xform_data=xform_data, line_ani=line_ani, reduce=reduce_dict, align=align_dict, normalize=normalize, semantic=semantic, vectorizer=vectorizer, corpus=corpus, kwargs=kwargs)