Source code for

import requests
import pandas as pd
import deepdish as dd
import os
import pickle
import warnings
from .analyze import analyze
from ..datageometry import DataGeometry

homedir = os.path.expanduser('~/')
datadir = os.path.join(homedir, 'hypertools_data')

datadict = {
    'weights' : '1-zzaUMHuXHSzFcGT4vNlqcV8tMY4q7jS',
    'weights_avg' : '1v_IrU6n72nTOHwD3AnT2LKgtKfHINyXt',
    'weights_sample' : '1CiVSP-8sjdQN_cdn3uCrBH5lNOkvgJp1',
    'spiral' : '1JB4RIgNfzGaTFWRBCzi8CQ2syTE-BnWg',
    'mushrooms' : '1wRXObmwLjSHPAUWC8QvUl37iY2qRObg8',
    'wiki' : '1e5lCi17bLbOXuRjiGO2eqkEWVpeCuRvM',
    'sotus' : '1D2dsrLAXkC3eUUaw2VV_mldzxX5ufmkm',
    'nips' : '1Vva4Xcc5kUX78R0BKkLtdCWQx9GI-FG2',
    'wiki_model' : '1OrN1F39GkMPjrB2bOTgNRT1pNBmsCQsN',
    'nips_model' : '1orgxWJdWYzBlU3EF2u7EDsZrp3jTNNLG',
    'sotus_model' : '1g2F18WLxfFosIqhiLs79G0MpiG72mWQr'

[docs]def load(dataset, reduce=None, ndims=None, align=None, normalize=None): """ Load a .geo file or example data Parameters ---------- dataset : string The name of the example dataset. Can be a `.geo` file, or one of a number of example datasets listed below. `weights` is list of 2 numpy arrays, each containing average brain activity (fMRI) from 18 subjects listening to the same story, fit using Hierarchical Topographic Factor Analysis (HTFA) with 100 nodes. The rows are fMRI measurements and the columns are parameters of the model. `weights_sample` is a sample of 3 subjects from that dataset. `weights_avg` is the dataset split in half and averaged into two groups. `spiral` is numpy array containing data for a 3D spiral, used to highlight the `procrustes` function. `mushrooms` is a numpy array comprised of features (columns) of a collection of 8,124 mushroomm samples (rows). `sotus` is a collection of State of the Union speeches from 1989-2018. `wiki` is a collection of wikipedia pages used to fit wiki-model. `wiki-model` is a sklearn Pipeline (CountVectorizer->LatentDirichletAllocation) trained on a sample of wikipedia articles. It can be used to transform text to topic vectors. normalize : str or False or None If set to 'across', the columns of the input data will be z-scored across lists (default). That is, the z-scores will be computed with with respect to column n across all arrays passed in the list. If set to 'within', the columns will be z-scored within each list that is passed. If set to 'row', each row of the input data will be z-scored. If set to False, the input data will be returned with no z-scoring. reduce : str or dict Decomposition/manifold learning model to use. Models supported: PCA, IncrementalPCA, SparsePCA, MiniBatchSparsePCA, KernelPCA, FastICA, FactorAnalysis, TruncatedSVD, DictionaryLearning, MiniBatchDictionaryLearning, TSNE, Isomap, SpectralEmbedding, LocallyLinearEmbedding, and MDS. Can be passed as a string, but for finer control of the model parameters, pass as a dictionary, e.g. reduce={'model' : 'PCA', 'params' : {'whiten' : True}}. See scikit-learn specific model docs for details on parameters supported for each model. ndims : int Number of dimensions to reduce align : str or dict If str, either 'hyper' or 'SRM'. If 'hyper', alignment algorithm will be hyperalignment. If 'SRM', alignment algorithm will be shared response model. You can also pass a dictionary for finer control, where the 'model' key is a string that specifies the model and the params key is a dictionary of parameter values (default : 'hyper'). Returns ---------- data : Numpy Array Example data """ if dataset[-4:] == '.geo': geo = if 'dtype' in geo: if 'list' in geo['dtype']: geo['data'] = list(geo['data']) elif 'df' in geo['dtype']: geo['data'] = pd.DataFrame(geo['data']) geo['xform_data'] = list(geo['xform_data']) data = DataGeometry(**geo) elif dataset in datadict.keys(): data = _load_data(dataset, datadict[dataset]) else: raise RuntimeError('No data loaded. Please specify a .geo file or ' 'one of the following sample files: weights, ' 'weights_avg, weights_sample, spiral, mushrooms, ' 'wiki, nips or sotus.') if data is not None: if dataset in ('wiki_model', 'nips_model', 'sotus_model'): return data if isinstance(data, DataGeometry): if any([reduce, ndims, align, normalize]): from ..plot.plot import plot if ndims: if reduce is None: reduce='IncrementalPCA' d = analyze(data.get_data(), reduce=reduce, ndims=ndims, align=align, normalize=normalize) return plot(d, show=False) else: return data else: return analyze(data, reduce=reduce, ndims=ndims, align=align, normalize=normalize)
def _load_data(dataset, fileid): fullpath = os.path.join(homedir, 'hypertools_data', dataset) if not os.path.exists(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): try: _download(dataset, _load_stream(fileid)) data = _load_from_disk(dataset) except: raise ValueError('Download failed.') else: try: data = _load_from_disk(dataset) except: try: _download(dataset, _load_stream(fileid)) data = _load_from_disk(dataset) except: raise ValueError('Download failed. Try deleting cache data in' ' /Users/homedir/hypertools_data.') return data def _load_stream(fileid): def _get_confirm_token(response): for key, value in response.cookies.items(): if key.startswith('download_warning'): return value return None url = BASE_URL + fileid session = requests.Session() response = session.get(BASE_URL, params = { 'id' : fileid }, stream = True) token = _get_confirm_token(response) if token: params = { 'id' : fileid, 'confirm' : token } response = session.get(BASE_URL, params = params, stream = True) return response def _download(dataset, data): fullpath = os.path.join(homedir, 'hypertools_data', dataset) with open(fullpath, 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def _load_from_disk(dataset): fullpath = os.path.join(homedir, 'hypertools_data', dataset) if dataset in ('wiki_model', 'nips_model', 'sotus_model',): try: with open(fullpath, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) except ValueError as e: print(e) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") geo = if 'dtype' in geo: if 'list' in geo['dtype']: geo['data'] = list(geo['data']) elif 'df' in geo['dtype']: geo['data'] = pd.DataFrame(geo['data']) geo['xform_data'] = list(geo['xform_data']) return DataGeometry(**geo)