Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

import pandas as pd

[docs]def df2mat(data, return_labels=False): """ Transforms a Pandas DataFrame into a Numpy array with binarized text columns This function transforms single-level df to an array so it can be plotted with HyperTools. Additionally, it uses the Pandas.Dataframe.get_dummies function to transform text columns into binary vectors, or 'dummy variables'. Parameters ---------- data : A single-level Pandas DataFrame The df that you want to convert. Note that this currently only works with single-level (not Multi-level indices). Returns ---------- plot_data : Numpy array A Numpy array where text columns are turned into binary vectors. labels : list (optional) A list of column labels for the numpy array. To return this, set return_labels=True. """ df_str = data.select_dtypes(include=['object']) df_num = data.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']) for colname in df_str.columns: df_num = df_num.join(pd.get_dummies(data[colname], prefix=colname)) plot_data = df_num.values labels=list(df_num.columns.values) if return_labels: return plot_data,labels else: return plot_data